The 3rd Congress of the International Partnership For Dogs (IPFD) was organised
by the French canine organisation (Société Centrale Canine) in Paris, on 22-23 April.
The wide variety of backgrounds of the participants resulted in some lively debates
in the 6 working groups. Royal Canin and Agria (an animal insurance company founded
in Sweden) were the privileged partners for this event.
The 135 delegates (from 24 different countries) came from a variety of backgrounds:
vets, researchers, breeders, judges, animal well-being and behaviour experts, genetic
counsellors, representatives of the domestic pet industry, etc. In total, 18 national
canine organisations were represented.
Presentation of the IPFD
The IPFD is a relatively new non-profit association, founded in Sweden in 2014,
establishing a dialogue between dog breeders and scientists to bring about a better
understanding of the health and well-being of dogs in the dog world.
"What is the main challenge facing a breed of dog?" To all the breed clubs
themselves this legitimate question, the President of the IPFD replies: "You are
not alone in trying to find solutions to the problems that arise, we are here to
help you." That is how Dr Brenda Bonnet, a Canadian veterinarian (as well
as a breeder
and a judge) explained the association's main task. "From information and collaboration,
action is born"; these are the three key words of the IPFD project, which
were emphasised
by Brenda Bonnett at the beginning of the congress.
The IPFD has set itself the objective of encouraging collaboration between all the
players in a position to work for the health and well-being of dogs.
The prevention of hereditary diseases and the effort to control the breeding of
hypertypes were among the priority subjects at the Paris congress, although the
workshops were also given the opportunity to work on the communication of best breeding
practices (with regard to antibiotherapy, for example), the conditions required
for well-balanced puppies, the harmonisation of genetic tests, and optimising the
use of available data in breeding. Some examples of the discussions initiated during
the congress are set out below for each of the subjects addressed.
1 - Detecting hereditary diseases
The distribution and use of screening tests for hereditary diseases in dogs differ
considerably from one country to the next, depending on the policies chosen by the
canine federations and breed clubs. The incentive to detect hereditary disease is
generally stronger in Northern Europe than elsewhere.
To encourage the selection of pedigree dogs that are free of the main hereditary
diseases, the international canine organisations must work together to distribute
the results of the surveys conducted on the health of the different breeds and share
those tools that "work". According to Dr Grégoire Leroy (a member of the Scientific
Commission of the FCI), there are three main challenges to be addressed:
- carefully assessing the situation (setting the priorities)
- establishing problem-solving strategies appropriate for the breed and specific national
- closely monitoring the effects of the policies implemented
Breed club officers have a choice between the "carrot" (enhancing the value of dogs
whose pedigree attests to the fact that the appropriate genetic tests have been
carried out) and the "stick" ("suspect" dogs prevented from reproducing).
To illustrate the importance of publicising the causes of canine mortality, the
case of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) was quoted by Sofia Malm, a geneticist
and member of the Swedish Kennel Club: in this breed, heart diseases (particularly
mitral valve endocardiosis) are still the most worrying medical problems. In the
United Kingdom, it is estimated that 31 % of CKCS attending veterinary clinics are
suffering from a heart murmur and around 22 % of euthanasia cases are the result
of heart problems1..
2 - Preventing the breeding of hypertypes
Numerous recent publications place the emphasis on the potential health problems
and suffering among dogs selected on the basis of extreme morphological characteristics.
The brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds are clearly the breeds most frequently singled
out by a large number of animal protection organisations, although the remarkable
popularity of these breeds works against them. Numerous breeders and owners do not
realise the gravity of the clinical signs displayed by these dogs, such signs being
considered as "normal for the breed", or even quasi "desirable". A Danish study
published in 2017 illustrates the paradox well: the health problems suffered by
these dogs tend to strengthen the emotional bond between owners and their dogs2..
According to Dr Rowena Packer (of the Royal Veterinary College of London), informing
buyers and owners, educating the judges, and warning the media and societies against
the messages conveyed by the use of these dogs in communication and advertising
are priority tasks. On this last point, the British association CRUFFA (Campaign
for the Responsible Use of Flat-Faced Animals) is conducting a number of projects.
In just a few months, it has managed to convince more than 40 societies to stop
misusing images of hypertype dogs.
A number of proposals have been made with regard to the dogs themselves, which are
currently being discussed within the IPFD:
- Incorporating health checks and exercise tolerance tests in those competitions
and examinations in which these dogs are involved. A recent article has highlighted
that the simple act of covering a distance of 1,000 m (or making the dogs walk for
6 minutes) makes it possible to identify dogs suffering from airway obstruction
- Developing genetic tests to bring to light predispositions that are harmful
to the health of flat-faced dogs. For example, thoracic vertebrae anomalies
present in approximately 5 % of pugs and are often accompanied by neurological problems4.
- Encouraging the development of new, "less extreme" lines and eventually
considering them to be varieties of existing breeds. Plans could also be made
use outcrossing (crossing with other breeds). A study conducted on the English Bulldog
shows that in this breed, although there is still an element of phenotypic and genotypic
diversity, it is far from certain that this is enough to eliminate those characteristics
introduced to the breed that are harmful to the health of these dogs5.
In a poster displayed during the IPFD congress ("How extreme is too extreme?"),
Dr Packer emphasised the need to accumulate figures on the anatomical measurements
of flat-faced dogs. The aim is to be in a position to give recommendations on the
craniofacial ratio, i.e. the relationship between the length of the muzzle and that
of the cranium.
Recording and sharing the progress made in each country will help to increase awareness
and improve the situation of these dogs.
3 - Limiting the use of antibiotics in breeding
"Apathy leads to calamity". These are the words of Jason Stull, Professor in the
Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Ohio. In the USA, at least
30 % of prescriptions for antibiotics are useless or inappropriate6 and
the resistance
to antibiotics of some dangerous bacteria is becoming a serious concern in both
human and veterinary medicine.
Although France is thought of as something of a model student with regard to the
control of antibiotic prescriptions in veterinary medicine, there are some trends
in breeding that need to be controlled. Antibiotics should only be administered
to dogs when there is a genuine need and according to a well-defined protocol, adapting
the molecule to the medical context. In other words, a veterinary prescription must
be issued on each occasion and there must be a dialogue between the breeder and
the vet.
4 - Promoting a good behavioural balance in puppies
Genetic selection does not only concern physical characteristics. It must also take
account of behavioural traits. Breeding dogs must be selected from within known
lines to pass on positive character traits and avoid the transmission of diseases
that can affect behaviour, such as epilepsy.
According to Nathalie Marlois, a behavioural veterinarian and President of Zoopsy,
the mother has a significant influence on the development and coping skills of puppies.
A stressed bitch produces insecure and nervous puppies unable to control their emotions.
A number of behavioural problems can subsequently stem from this, including aggression
or hyperactivity. Health and behavioural stability are also developed in utero:
the stress experienced by a bitch during pregnancy affects the development of her
During the workshops held on the subject, a number of ideas were put forward to
encourage the production of well-balanced puppies.
- Dog breeding sites that pay close attention to the environmental conditions
of puppies and produce well socialised animals should be showcased by clear messages
to give potential buyers confidence. Promoting a responsible image would help people
to understand the danger of buying puppies of dubious origin7. Puppies
that are
illegally imported or that are from puppy farms do not come with the same guarantees
as those that have been bred and raised in good conditions.
- The matching of a puppy's character with the host family is essential. The
"right family" must be found for the "right puppy". This point is particularly important
with regard to novice dog owners.
- The socialisation period from the 3rd to the 12th week obviously plays a fundamental
role, and it is important that the owners are advised to ensure that their puppy
has positive experiences during this period.
Dr Alexandre Balzer (a vet, breeder and member of the SCC Committee) jointly led
the workshops on dog behaviour and well-being with Dr Nathalie Marlois. He focused
on the benefit of puppy schools to teach owners how to behave with their dogs8.
There are more than 1,000 of these in France, and the aim is to have one in each
‘education and use’ club, with at least one trained instructor in each club.
5 - Harmonising the genetic tests
Screening tests for genetic diseases are multiplying, which makes it possible to
help breeders choose "healthy" breeding dogs from their lines; however, a number
of questions arise:
- How to select and prioritise the screening tests to be carried out for a particular
- How to guarantee the value of these tests and the significance of their results?
- How to use the tests wisely? Excessive focusing on the use of breeding dogs that
are free of one disease or another can effectively become a handicap in the long
run, due to the reduction in genetic diversity it causes.
The lack of international standards and a quality control system for genetic tests
in veterinary medicine also helps to confuse users. Which breed and type of dog
is this test intended for? Should I use it? Which laboratory should I buy it from?
Will the result give me useful information? Why is there a difference of opinion
among the experts? Where can I get relevant information? etc. To these questions,
the countries and breed clubs often give different answers, which adds to the confusion!
Harmonising the use of genetic tests is necessary, and all the actors in this field
must work together: vets, breeders, genetics laboratories, researchers, dog-lover
associations, etc. The IPFD has clearly stated its wish to make progress on this
subject. The short-term objective is to make a catalogue of the tests available,
setting out the laboratory marketing the test, instructions for use, proof of efficacy,
and certification. The website will compile all this information.
6 - Optimising the use of available data in breeding
Whatever the health problems encountered in some breeds, it is impossible to develop
policies for action without clearly establishing any genetic predispositions. To
obtain this evidence, a large quantity of data must be compiled. This emphasises
once again the need to conduct major surveys, to assess the reliability of the results
by means of suitable statistical processes, and to share the resulting information
at international level.
As Ian Seath (Chairman of the Dachshund Breed Council) humorously put it during
a presentation, "weighing a piglet every day won't make it put on weight".
we have enough data, we must act! Improving the health of dog breeds is a long-term
endeavour, which requires a sustained effort over time.
A poster was displayed during the IFPD congress: "Benefits from integration of international
data" (by Wang et al). This poster illustrates the work carried out jointly
by the
SCC, the Svenska Kennelklubben (Sweden) and the Kennel Club (UK). This relates to
a study intended to provide a better appraisal of the mating practices in four breeds
of dog: the bullmastiff, the English setter, the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Labrador
retriever. Over the period in question, the number of matings between closely related
individuals fell or remained stable, with the exception of the Labrador retriever
in France. Due to the internationalisation of the exchange of pedigrees, it has
been shown that it is possible to reduce the sometimes excessive consanguinity in
some breeds9.
To encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience and establish concrete action
plans for dog health, the IPFD has a well-supplied international platform. All information
that could be useful to members of the association can be found at
The progress of the work started by each working group during the Paris congress
will be gradually integrated into the content of the website.
The next IPFD Congress will be held in the UK in 2019.
Standards, Health and Genetics in dogs
During the 3rd IPFD Congress, the SCC presented a completely new work on canine
genetics: "Standards, Health and Genetics in Dogs". This is a jointly written bilingual
book (in French and English), coordinated by Claude Guintard (ENVN, Oniris) and
Grégoire Leroy (INRA/AgroParisTech, Paris), who are members of the Standards Commission
and the Scientific Commission of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)
respectively. This book brings together the contributions of scientists and veterinarians
specialising in canine standards and genetics.
The work is also an homage to Raymond Triquet and Renée Sporre-Willes, both former
presidents of FCI commissions (from 1999 to 2007 and 2007 to 2015 respectively).
R. Triquet and R. Sporre-Willes were present for the first presentation of this
book, during the last congress of the International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD)
in Paris, on 22 April last.
(Price: € 39 + post and packaging - Order from the SCC: 155, Avenue Jean Jaurès
- 93535 AUBERVILLIERS Cedex - 01 49 37 54 00 -
- Summers JF, et al. Prevalence of disorders recorded in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
attending primary-care veterinary practices in England. Canine Genetics & Epidemiology
2015; 2:4.
- Sandoe P, et al. Why do people buy dogs with potential welfare problems related
to extreme conformation and inherited disease? A representative study of Danish
owners of four small dog breeds. PLoS One 2017; 12: e0172091.
- Lilja-Maula L, et al. Comparison of submaximal exercise test results and severity
of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in English bulldogs. Vet J 2017; 219:
- Ryan R, et al. Prevalence of thoracic vertebral malformations in French bulldogs,
Pugs and English bulldogs with and without associated neurological deficits. Vet
J 2017; 221: 25-29.
- Pedersen NC, et al. A genetic assessment of the English bulldog. Canine Genetics
and Epidemiology 2016; 3: 6.
- Fleming-Dutra KE, et al. Prevalence of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions among
US ambulatory care visits, 2010-2011. J Am Med Assoc 2016; 315: 1864-1873.
- McMillan FD. Behavioral and psychological outcomes for dogs sold as puppies through
pet stores and/or born in commercial breeding establishments: current knowledge
and putative causes. J Vet Behav Clin Appl Res 2017; 19: 14-26.
- Howell TJ, et al. Puppy parties and beyond: the role of early age socialization
practices on adult dog behavior. Vet Med Research and Reports 2015; 6: 143-153.
- Wang S, et al. Merging pedigree databases to describe and compare mating practices
and gene flow between pedigree dogs in France, Sweden and the UK. J Anim Breed Genet
2017; 134: 152-161.