Carlos Fernández-Renau
The Spanish canine organisation (RSCE) informs about the sad news: the Spanish judge
Carlos Fernández-Renau has passed away.
He started at a very young age as a handler, showing dogs of friends or clients.
He was still very young when he won his first Best in Show with a female Great Dane
bred by “Los Madroñales”.
His career as a breeder started with Standard Dachshunds long-haired, breeding several
generations of champions and group winners. He then bred American Cocker Spaniels,
English Cocker Spaniels, Yorkshire Terriers, Bichon Frisé, Miniature Schnauzers,
Maltese, Fox Terriers Smooth and Scottish Terriers. For the majority of these breeds,
he bred well-known champions, prodigious stud dogs, world and BIS winners. But “Del
Zarzoso” is a famous and respected kennel name worldwide thanks to his poodles.
Del Zarzoso poodles made history with Best in Show dogs winners in dog shows all
over the world.
As an all-rounder judge, he started judging groups 4 and 9. He officiated in almost
every single country and was invited to judge BIS in some of the world’s most prestigious
dog shows, like Stockholm International, Santa Barbara (USA), Royal Melbourne, Sydney,
Helsinky Nordic Winner, Copenhagen,… He judged BIS in many international dog shows
organised by the RSCE, the last being the Exposición Internacional Canina de Primavera
All the members of the FCI general Committee is joining me to express our condolences.
Rest in peace.
Rafael de Santiago
FCI President