This time I want to tell you how our actions in the past year will affect the future
of the FCI. I am not saying it is not important to summarise our achievements and
to explain why we proceeded in a certain way, but I want to talk about our future
as an international organisation, but most important about the future of our dogs
Three aspects have been transcendental during the past year; cooperation and collaboration,
innovation and preparation for the future. These three aspects will lead our organisation
for the next year.
Read more
Rafael de Santiago
FCI President
FCI Comission for Sighounds Races - Activity report
Year 2016 was a normal year with regular ups and downs for the European racing and
European lure coursing community.
We prepared new Regulations for International Sighthound Races and Lure Coursing
The annual meeting of the FCI Commission for Sighthounds Races took place in Velke
Pole, Slovakia, on June 16th.
We planned 84 races and 98 lure coursing.
The European Championship Coursing was held in Velke Pole, Slovakia on 17-19.6.2016.
Over 890 participants were announced. We had 29 European Lure Coursing Champions
from 14 different countries.
The European Championship Racing was held in Toulouse, France on 2-4.9.2016, over
250 participants were announced. We had 18 World Racing Champions from 8 different
Maria Stenberg
President of the FCI Commission for Sighthounds Races