This time I want to tell you how our actions in the past year will affect the future of the FCI. I am not saying it is not important to summarise our achievements and to explain why we proceeded in a certain way, but I want to talk about our future as an international organisation, but most important about the future of our dogs worldwide.

Three aspects have been transcendental during the past year; cooperation and collaboration, innovation and preparation for the future. These three aspects will lead our organisation for the next year.

Read more

Rafael de Santiago
FCI President
FCI Commission for Continental Pointers - Activity report

The yearly meeting was held the day before the European Cup in Nis (Serbia), on March 19th, 2016.

12 members attended the meeting and the discussion about the various rules and the future European Cup were good and serious.

Election of the President and two Vice-presidents

President: Mr Giancarlo Passini
1st Vice-president: Mr Velimir Sruk
2nd Vice-president: Mr Hannu Liedes

Mr P. Bahlke was elected Honorary President.

The European Cup was held on March 20th, in the area of Nis and started with the presentation of 15 National Teams* – with 54 dogs entered.
(* France, Serbia, Poland, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine, Spain, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic).

The Experimental European Cup in Couple was held on March 21st.

The Cup was held in 4 batteries, with judges from Spain, Greece, Croatia.

Results at the barrage

European Champion: Francesconi Fausto with RUBY (Epagneul breton) from Italy.

Team results:
1st Italy
2nd Greece

The winner of the running in pairs was the Kurzhaar LAKY, owned by Mr Moretti and conducted by Mr Scarpecci (Italy) with award of the CACIT.

On the 22nd, there was the traditional Prix d'Excellence with around 105 participants in 9 batteries.
The winner with CAC-CACIT was Mr Vettore with LUIS (Epagneul breton) from Italy.

© Salvatore Moretti
Team winner Italy

Giancarlo Passini
President of the FCI Commission for Continental Pointers